Sunday, February 21, 2010

Getting to know you&Bring me sun Sundays..all in one!

I've had so much fun reading everyone elses survey, that I had to do my own!
Thanks to MannLand5!

1. How often do you wash/change your sheets?

Ha..honestly maybe every couple of weeks. I'm not too paranoid about changing sheets..we always shower before bed anyways!
2. When is your birthday?
November 2nd!

3. Have you ever met a bloggy friend in real life?
No, but I do have friends with blogs that I follow:)

4. Brad Pitt or George Clooney?
uggh if I have to...Brad.. I'd glady choose Bradley Cooper though!

5. If you could change one thing about your body what would it be?
Never get pale..and have a nice tan all year round:)

6. How often do you wash your hair?

Everyday, my hair tends to get super greasy

7. Do you have pets?
Yes! Our baby girl, Cali Jean♥

8. How many social networks do you belong to..if you had to give up one, what would it be?

Facebook, Blogger, Myspace..and that's it.. I could def. give up Myspace, I only have mine to keep in touch with old friends and check up on my sister!

Now for Bring me sun Sundays!
I despritaley am in need of a new pair of rainbows..
Cali Jean likes to tear up all of my sandals..

Aren't they cute?! Being from Cali, I pretty much obsess over sandals and summer clothes..
Well anyways! Hope you all have a great Sunday..
I got a lil bit of time in the sun at the dog park with my friend Meredith!
And I even read my book by the pool so I could enjoy what a beautiful day it is!

Mrs. Cass


  1. I am so with you and the tan year round thing without skin cancer!

  2. You and your man are too cute!

    I like me some Bradley Cooper too.

    I'll take that nice tan all year round too please! :-)

    Thanks for joining in!

  3. Cute and your hubs. Very sweet (o:

  4. I would love the tan all year round thing! I always have more confidence when I have a tan! Thanks for sharing (:

  5. Man I would LOVE to be tan year around..You and your hubby look so cute I'm a new follower of your blog as well...

  6. YOu have a wonderful Blog award waiting on you over at my blog..

  7. I vote we all STAY tan.!

    Love your blog.!
